How it works Understanding how bidding process works.

This article provides an overview of the core concepts that explain how our home improvement auction works, but bear in mind that we're constantly tweaking the details to maximize potential for home owners and service providers using


Upload your project:

Select a project category that best matches your home repair or improvement need
We'll ask you a few important questions to ensure we're able to match you to the right pro for your job Post a picture and a brief description of the scope of work to be done
Enter a price point you feel is fair for both you and the service professional.
Your project will populate onto a project board where services pros who specialize in your posted trade
will accept your offer, counter offer or even offer a price below your asking price to obtain your job. has licensed service professionals specializing in all home improvement trades

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Get Bids:

You'll receive bids from pre-screened, licensed/registered home improvement pros in your state. You can choose from best prices offered or decide based upon their customer rating and reviews Your matched service pros provide the specific service you need and are available now, you just need to click the hire button once you decide whom you are most comfortable with. You can use our instant messenger service to ask further questions or gain further clarity on your project before you choose to hire a specific professional on our site. We strongly encourage the use of our instant messenger to hash the details to minimize confusion or ill will moving forward, as one knows the devil can lurk in the details.

Get Connected:

As soon as your hired request is processed, your information is sent to your hired Service Pro Shortly after receiving your hired request, they'll contact you to discuss your project If you prefer, you can contact them at your convenience

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Understanding how home owners can achieve the best possible price point for their posted job using our innovative platform.

The best way for us to do this is to hold an auction in which both interests are represented. That way, home owners are reaching service professionals who are receptive to their projects and service providers are seeing something they're interested in. This is different than a traditional auction because the winner isn't the ad with the highest monetary bid, Quite the opposite. Service professional can either choose to accept your initial offering price, sometimes counter higher or even less to further gain an advantage over the competition in obtaining your project. As conscious consumers, we are always leery when something is said to be too good to be true when it comes to price points, below is an example of how a service professional can meet or beat your initial offered project price point.

Often, a contractor may have some extra material from a previous job, or there are cases when a customer special orders something such as granite counter tops and backs out do to unknow reasons, the contractor is usually then left stuck with the material. When these situations present themselves from time to time, a contractor may be able to match your anticipated price point with such materials through our site. Other variables on how a service pro can meet or beat your offered price can factor in, such as drive times, job location distance to current job location (i.e., travel times to setup jobs, such as equipment transferring from sites) or simply strong suite & forte of said service professional.

A reverse auction/negotiation takes place whenever an approved service provider in your state is eligible to see your job posting. The "project posting board" in an auction are jobs specific to a service provider’s specialty. These auctions take place every day around the clock, this enables you to receive the best price points from the best service providers in your state. Through our rigorous vetting process only verified licensed/registered reputable service providers in your state will gain access to our service member profile and can bid on projects. Home Owners will receive automatic email alerts whenever they receive a new offer and or instant messenger from possible service providers. Through our unique platform, Home owners and service providers are encouraged to utilize our integrated instant messenger feature to gain further clarity on price points and scope of the project. This allows for further project clarity and a more informed decision from both parties before a job/price point is agreed upon to minimize confusion or miscommunications moving forward in their juncture. Once that connection is made, the customers and professionals handle all their business arrangements outside of our platform and don’t have to use again to maintain the relationship. The best part of it all is it’s completely free for home owners to use, they can use our site as often or as little as they would like, there are no fees or membership obligations!

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