How do I know How to Price my job Correctly?

Some homeowners have prior knowledge or experience with construction/home improvement projects and can accurately gauge a projects price and what they are willing to pay to have it done. For many other home owners, there can be a lot of uncertainty when it comes to deciding on what their project may be worth or how to offer a fair price to a service professional. With so many different variables ranging from geographical location in the United States, material choices for the project, location of your home on the topography of your land, and even the age of your home can all have a determining factor on how much to gauge your project. There is no single answer to this question or a single go to resource guide that could possibly nail down a definitive price based upon all those previously mentioned factors. However, we would like to offer some suggestions on how one can accurately compile a suggested offering price based on personal diligence one must do prior to posting a price with their project. Bear in mind this is not an exact science to determining a price, more of a suggestive model one can use as way to rationalize their price offering on our platform. After posting, if you don’t receive any offers within a week or so, your offering price may be a bit too low and you may want to consider raising your offering price to gain interest from service professionals.

  • It’s always a wise decision to simply Google what your project is worth in your area. What a project costs in California can be quite different than the same job in Pennsylvania.
  • We all have a family member, a neighbor or a friend who may have had a similar project done, ask them what they paid, what their costs were and ask if there were any snags along the way or unexpected costs you should factor in?
  • Home owners could use previously received quotes they had obtained for their project, but didn’t like the price points. A home owner can use these quotes as a guide and post a lower price to possibly find a service professional willing to oblige at that offered price.
  • There are plenty of informative DYI shows on the television today that offer suggestions on home improvement projects along with budgets/price points to complete them.

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